Arielle Dombasle: after her performance yesterday, the French asked her not to…

Sunday July 14, on the occasion of the arrival of the Olympic Flame in Paris, Arielle Dombasle performed her anthem for the Olympic Games on the square in front of City Hall. The singer’s performance, broadcast on France 2, did not fail to amuse Internet users.

She is one of the most unusual personalities on the small screen. For fifty years, Arielle Dombasle has multiplied projects on stage and on television. She is back with a new opus called Iconics, released on May 24. With this album, the singer particularly wanted to pay tribute to “Barbie, Bardot, Beauvoir”, female figures who particularly inspired her.

On June 25, Arielle Dombasle decided to surprise release a song dedicated to the Olympic Games called Olympics. In the process, Bernard-Henri Levy’s wife unveiled the clip in which she appears disguised as Marianne Futuriste. “In the clip, the medalists are women medalists because Iconics is also an ode to women,” she explained. A unique concept that has divided Internet users on social networks.



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